Abram's Kin

20 May 2006

Sacred Space—New Creation now!

Looking for a way to be mindful of mission while at work? Lacking in creative juices on how to bring the sacred to the secular? Try these ideas from reJesus in the UK!

11 May 2006

Defining Church

Or maybe I should call it deconstructing church. I have been meaning to start this post for awhile, but was really hoping to have more time to be more thorough. I determined today that I would send it out as a brief discussion starter and rather let you all determine where it should go instead. So my question is this: What is church? Sounds simple enough to answer, but I find, often enough, that the word's meaning can change within a simple sentence or phrase. Not a problem, really. I have no problem with words meaning whatever the culture is accustomed to using it to mean. But when you have one word that means multiple things to a given culture, it is often easy to misunderstand one another when speaking/writing about such things. Not only that, but we have the issue that we are people being shaped by a story that happens to use that same word. When we use the word do we mean by it what the authors of the story meant by it? I don't think it is 'bad' or 'wrong' to use the word differently . . . I don't think that is what being biblical is really all about. But I do think it can become confusing and that issues become misunderstood when meanings are swapped. Take the following examples:

I go to church on Sundays.
The letter to the church in Rome . . .
You're one of those church-people.
The church met to discuss our options.
The church issued an encyclical.
These are the events happening at the church this weekend . . .
Church was really good today.
Sally is un-churched.
Are you a member of that church?
The church is seated w/ the Christ in the heavenlies.
She works for the church.

So, faced with this array of options of meanings for church (and I just gave examples of different usages w/o really talking about meaning), what is one supposed to conclude is the meaning behind a statement like 'X is the direction the church is going'?

Ultimately, I would expect, wherever the discussion takes us, eventually to answer the question: so what does this mean for the people who participate in this post? What does this mean for those who meet at the Boehmers' house on Tuesday nights? Does clarifying the issue change anything?